They have independence for northern Macedonia.
Skopje, located in northern Macedonia, borders Serbia to the north.
The Treaty of London of 1913 legitimated Serbian authority in northern Macedonia.
The current conflict in the area of northern Macedonia and Serbian province Kosovo, where Albanian paramilitaries started guerilla war against the government forces.
Despite this, the Bulgarian cause preserved its dominant position in central and northern Macedonia and was also strong in southern Macedonia.
The bulk of the refugees, about 45,000, were dumped during the night in new camps down the road or elsewhere in northern Macedonia.
Those who took up the offer were re-settled by the Ottoman authorities in those districts of northern Macedonia where the Muslim population was weak.
The first attacks occurred in the small village of Tanuševci located in northern Macedonia, near the border with Kosovo.
As NATO suspended its air war today, preparations for the peacekeeping mission could be seen all over northern Macedonia.
Bulgaria signed treaties with Serbia to divide the territory of northern Macedonia, but refused any similar agreement with Greece.