Syrah is the red grape of the northern Rhone.
This is the traditional style of Côte-Rôtie in northern Rhône.
Syrah is also the only red grape used in the wines of the northern Rhône.
After the wines of northern Rhône were "rediscovered" by wine writers in the 1970s, plantings expanded considerably.
The secret is in the grapes, particularly the syrah, the common denominator of all great red wines of the northern Rhone.
The northern Rhone rated a high 9 that year; the southern Rhone, at best a low 6.
But in the northern Rhone, the identity is firmly established.
This week, members of the panel discuss wines from the northern Rhone.
The reds of the northern Rhone, like those of Burgundy to the north, are based on a single grape.
Chateauneuf is characteristically softer and faster-maturing than any of the top northern Rhone red wines.