But those conditions stop as they bump into the wall of the northern Rockies.
The agency also says it wants to remove the northern Rockies gray wolf from the list.
This article is about the mountain range in the northern Canadian Rockies.
Now, following two years of drought in the northern Rockies, we are seeing the effects of that decision.
It had been unusually dry in 1910 and forest fires were rampant across the northern Rockies.
The wolf population in the Northern Rockies has since grown to an estimated 1,300 animals.
New England and the northern Rockies may see more snow this winter: good news for skiers.
They're a key part of the restoration of the wolf to the entire northern Rockies.
The whirling disease parasite is only one of the threats to fisheries in the northern Rockies.
Snow is thin in the Northern Rockies this year.