After the Yuan fell, a substantial number of the Tanguts followed the Mongols into the northern grassland.
Rulers based in the Wei valley had an advantage since the mountains to the east made a natural fortification and war horses were readily available from the northern grasslands.
After the Yuan fell, the Xia who followed the Mongols into the northern grassland were immersed among and later classified into the "Mongols."
"I've seen a great deal of Naclos, especially the Stone Hills and the northern grasslands."
Driving at the higher altitudes was a pleasant change from the dusty trek across the baked northern grasslands, but it wasn't as beautiful as Jack had imagined it.
It is said that he is a great cat that sits upon the northern grasslands, my friend, waiting to pounce on adventurers just like the player characters.
It was old when you Hellenes were herdsmen still on the northern grasslands.
The discovery sheds new light on the contributions to world history by the vigorous pastoral people who lived in the broad northern grasslands, dismissed as barbarians by their southern neighbors.
This made them invincible in combat on the northern grasslands and in the thinly wooded forests.
They were characteristically found in the central forest-grasslands transition, the central tall grasslands, the upper Midwest forest-savanna transition, and the northern tall grasslands ecoregions.