It's a fruitwood, not a northern hardwood.
About of the northern hardwood forest are old-growth.
Next were the northern hardwoods, primarily beech, birch and maple species, that dominate much of the Catskill forests today.
Although the area was logged until the early twentieth century, conifers and northern hardwoods have now been developed.
The drier sites are vegetated with pole-size northern hardwoods.
Adjacent to the mountain are several boulderfields and stands of northern hardwoods and large buckeyes.
The forest is composed of northern hardwoods.
In the 1890s, the more valuable red spruce trees had been logged, leaving primarily northern hardwoods.
From non-tidal marsh to mature northern hardwoods, the land is fertile and nurtures a healthy vibrant ecosystem.
Today, around 82% of the forest is aspen, 10% is red, eastern white, and jack pine, with the remaining 8% a mix of northern hardwoods.