"Look at that northern harrier," he exclaimed.
Here is a realm of hawks, two red-tailed, a Cooper's, and a northern harrier in the next half hour.
The most commonly observed species include American kestrels, northern harriers, red-tailed hawks and turkey vultures.
His transportation morph is a northern harrier.
"I had a northern harrier about a half hour ago," Mr. Bravo said.
Their predators include cats, short-eared owls, northern harriers and the common garter snakes.
Fischer is calm and contemplative, even reticent, but when the first hawk of the day came down, a northern harrier, he lost his composure.
Now, he said, owls and northern harriers are more common.
The area also supports nesting populations of bald eagles, ospreys, and northern harriers.
Bluebirds, song sparrows and northern harrier are also common species to the area.