The Hmong were more than a match against the Chinese since the latter's military was stretched across China defending against northern invaders.
They were nonetheless undone by precisely what they feared most: northern invaders.
The Qing were foreigners to Han China, northern invaders who called themselves Manchus.
He waits only for word to lead the northern invaders across the river at Beaucaire and into our lands.
The Picts are slaughtered while wave after wave of the northern invaders march towards the south and into the Pictish Empire.
The eventual triumph of the Nearctic migrants was ultimately based on geography, which played into the hands of the northern invaders in two crucial respects.
These comprised a galaxy of states set up by northern invaders, the Hyborians, three thousand years before on the ruins of the evil empire of Acheron.
His poem was the first of a series of statements of Vietnamese determination to resist northern invaders, all written in Literary Chinese.
Iron weapons brought by the northern invaders replaced bronze, and cremation of the dead took the place of burial.
Although it was not fitting, she was clothed as these northern invaders were.