The 18th century colonizations were base for the current religious composition of Vojvodina, where there is a Catholic majority in several of the northern municipalities.
It is second most northern municipality in Brazil, behind Uiramutã.
However, some municipalities, mostly urban, northern or Aboriginal, do not.
At any rate, several northern municipalities are larger than many counties in the more densely populated southern part of the country.
Under the 2005 districting scheme, the district covers the state's northern municipalities.
Generally the northern municipalities, already sparsely populated, have population decreases, but various supporting projects also exist.
El Huecú is one of the northern Neuquen's municipalities that has a participative budget.
Balsfjord is often regarded to be the most northern municipality with substantial agricultural activity in Norway, although there is also agriculture further north.
The county's commercial sector and seven northern municipalities rely on private carters to truck their solid waste to landfills out of state.
An irrigation system in the northern Mexican municipality of Delicias.