Plain red sail did suggest Southerners, whom everyone knew broke northern tradition whenever possible.
This also seems to have been a time when many northern traditions were incorporated within the region of Judah.
He was a landscape painter in a great northern tradition.
The northern tradition of hunting camps - rustic cabins on land that hunters have leased for years from timber companies - will be preserved.
Nevertheless, the northern European tradition of work, play, and food right through the day, made it possible for them to adjust themselves wholly to this new rhythm.
His strong peaks and densely compacted composition represents the northern tradition in its most likely form as scholars understand it today.
There were no washing lines or back-to-back houses like the northern tradition of being working class.
The northern tradition calls for stir frying both the seasoned blood and chosen meat with vinegar until dry.
Those were rare in northern tradition but the notion of the insane having been touched by the gods was entrenched.
So, as archaeological studies have developed, the idea that some aspects of Yeavering can be placed within a northern tradition has gained support.