Hunt Valley is the northernmost stop on the Baltimore Light Rail.
Rain prevented Huntsman from arriving at the northernmost stop on his trip, the Laconia Motorcycle Week rally.
Prior to the termination of 9 service on May 27, 2005, this station was the northernmost common stop of the 1 & 9 skip-stop service.
At the northern tip of Ullswater there is a right turn to Pooley Bridge, the northernmost stop for the lake steamer.
For several years the northernmost stop on the line was Dorasan Station, which is served by Tonggeun commuter trains.
Nain is the northernmost stop on the route; the ferry stays docked at Nain for about three hours before beginning its southbound route.
The John Street House is one of the northernmost stops in Salem.
It is the northernmost stop on the First Capital Connect rail service to Brighton.
Its railway station is the northernmost stop on the Milan Metro M1 line.
The hotel is the northernmost stop for the Las Vegas Monorail.