I had my ears pierced very young, and my nose pierced more recently.
Q: I'm thinking about getting my navel or nose pierced.
Three of his rappers ran at his side, their hair dyed orange or blue and purple, their eyebrows and noses pierced with jeweled rings.
Minor infractions were dealt with severely, with the guilty woman having her nose pierced and being beaten with rods.
Girls traditionally had their noses pierced around age 12, though today some Rikbaktsa practice this and others do not.
If you choose to have your nose pierced that is your concern but, to be fair, the pub also has a right to set its own rules.
"If she wants to make an impression on the judges, she's not going to get her nose pierced or dye her hair orange."
"The next day, I got my nose pierced," she said.
One came in with a cigarette-burned eye, and another had his eyes and nose pierced, Mrs. Avery said.