'Don't be stupid,' Sajaki said, only his nose and forehead protruding above the furline of his collar.
Because of the way her long, thin nose protruded, her dark eyes seemed to be set even more deeply than they were.
His long nose protrudes like a warped rudder.
A bone-white nose with brittle grey whiskers protruded from the shadowy hood.
Only a nose protruded, beneath a pair of rimless spectacles.
A moment later, a small nose protruded cautiously into sight, nostrils twitching.
Now a broad, claw-tipped paw broke its way out into the open air, and beady black eyes and nose protruded.
Her quivering nose protruded from beneath the flap of my backpack.
A bony nose, with bent grey whiskers, protruded from the hood.
His large beaky nose protruded beyond a heavy chinless jaw that jutted forward.