Recalling that song gave him a sweet, sad nostalgic feeling of youth gone by.
Still, she had some nostalgic feelings about the tokens.
Lara took Di's hand and led her up the steps, that nostalgic feeling coming to her again.
"They have a nostalgic feeling about country houses, when the reality is, you get pneumonia and they're not very comfortable."
More like a nostalgic feeling that drifted, unbidden, into his head as he looked at this woman, bright, gorgeous.
Those nostalgic feelings have been superseded by negative association.
What I really appreciate is the nostalgic feeling and the romance behind it all.
"I think she was just caught unaware by the degree of nostalgic feelings being back in space called up inside her."
There's a warm nostalgic feeling about Max because of his past as an illustrator.
However, not all students were in favor of the change; in fact, several alumni expressed nostalgic feelings for them.