The game's gameplay was praised, likening it to the success of Harmonix' previous games Frequency and Amplitude, and called a "unexpectedly nostalgic pleasure".
The tape you sent us has given us a lot of nostalgic pleasure.
Those two moments encapsulate the broad nostalgic pleasures of the entire, elaborately catered affair.
They too, like the Imperial itself, are nostalgic pleasures.
Experience the nostalgic pleasures of steam travel through moor and dale, past woodland and waterfalls.
Although the need to rid cupboards of eggs, butter and meat is no longer a pervasive religious concern, the need for comfort, nostalgic pleasures and morning conversation endures.
He picked out the landmarks made familiar to him by a thousand photographs with nostalgic pleasure, as if he were returning to his own country.
While "Picon Pie" has its nostalgic pleasures, it falls short of a satisfying treat.
Hearing a couple of them on Trinket's lips almost kindled a glow of nostalgic pleasure.
Harry ignored him but I paid dose attention, feeling a warmth of nostalgic pleasure.