The not-so-subtle message: to elect Barry Goldwater would risk nuclear war.
As for the townspeople, they were invited to call on the famous general's wife, and when they did, Martha sent them a not-so-subtle message.
The relentless attempts to set him up, he said, seemed to transmit a not-so-subtle message: "Make this problem go away."
I understand the not-so-subtle message of contrasts that the cartoonist was depicting.
The President's speech on Monday included a not-so-subtle message of friendship.
The ability to plea bargain, unfortunately, sends a not-so-subtle message to would-be criminals.
"This is a not-so-subtle message to Kemp," said one Congressional aide.
Behind this new slant is a not-so-subtle message.
The not-so-subtle message was that Cyberonics wanted investors to call the analyst and berate him for what he had done.
All are from bygone eras, but have modern, not-so-subtle messages about girls' self-esteem.