One notable encounter was a performance at a private party hosted by Mrs. Martin (wife of Glenn L. Martin) in 1988, where actor Jimmy Stewart was in attendance.
The most notable encounter involves a Coca Cola machine that dispenses cans by launching them like grenades.
Among notable encounters in the game are the Vahnatai, a race of highly magical and alien creatures who live in the deeper caves of Avernum.
In one notable encounter, Darque tried to collect the coins Judas received for betraying Jesus.
Another notable encounter between New Jersey teams was a four game duel between Newark Caledonians and the Paterson Rangers in the second round.
After May 17, there was only one other notable encounter between the United States Army and Apache renegades during the campaign.
In 1924, David Flying Hawk performed in Rhode Island and had a notable encounter with a horse named "King Tut."
Aya's most notable encounter with the Chasers is when they ambushed the truck Kyle and her took to the mines leading to the Neo-Ark shelter.
Most of all, Martin admired Ignatius Loyola's notable encounter with the Moor on a mule and their ensuing discussion of the Holy Virgin.
Will's other notable encounters include Sam, a slave who helps him give Lance's memory back, and his adoptive guardians, Lola and Bill.