North Omaha's working class, middle class, and upper class white history is evidenced in the architecture of many neighborhoods, several notable mansions, progressive apartment building designs, and other churches or former synagogues spread throughout the area.
It was an upper income residential area for the first half of the 20th Century, with several notable mansions.
It is one of the wealthiest communities in the Vale of Glamorgan, containing some notable mansions and cottages, valued on average at over £500,000 ($800,000) as of 2011.
The estate contains seven buildings, the most notable being Elstowe Manor and Chelten House, both Horace Trumbauer designed mansions.
At that time the shingled structure in New Vernon was renovated into a brick structure that is described as one of the notable mansions of the area.
Thirteen of the notable mansions that are now gone are included in the table below with some of their features.
There you'll find some of the most spectacular scenery in the country, with rugged mountains, steep, wooded river valleys, and deep lakes as well as charming villages and some notable mansions and gardens.
In the period of the Revolutionary War it was the most notable mansion of Newburyport, owned by the Traceys, the leading family of the times.
Another notable mansion is the Palazzo (or Castello) della Barca which was acquired in the 1930s by Vladimir Rosenbaum for his wife Aline Valangin, a writer and artist.
There are a few older buildings - the most notable being the late 18th century Italianate mansion known as the Stone House.