The denarius continued to decline slowly in purity, with a notable reduction instituted by Septimius Severus.
A pilot studyconcludes that alignment of the atlas vertebra results in notable and sustained reduction in blood pressure.
Rifampicin causes a very notable reduction in half-life of zopiclone and peak plasma levels which results in a large reduction in the hypnotic effect of zopiclone.
For example, there is a notable reduction in malnutrition via diet diversification and an increased absorption of micronutrients.
Thus the notable reduction in the number of high-poverty neighborhoods, and the substantial decrease in the population of such neighborhoods, may simply be blips of boom times rather than permanent trends.
While it has reported achieving a notable reduction since 2006, DHS still possesses the largest backlog of overdue requests in the government.
In his memoirs Taoiseach Garret FitzGerald noted that by 1986 there had been "a notable reduction in complaints of harassment of the Nationalist community by the security forces".
It will be noted, for example, that in spite of significant and increasing taxation on petrol consumption in France, there has been no notable reduction in use.
It is also wise to make the most of any planned concessions by using them to achieve a notable reduction in tension, thereby making it more likely that the seller will reciprocate.
The precisely controlled fuel injection, and the various systems allowing emissions to be reduced at source, result in a notable reduction of polluting emissions (NOx, CO, hydrocarbons and particulates).