Another notable political thinker was Wawrzyniec Grzymała Goślicki (1530-1607), best known in Poland and abroad for his book De optimo senatore (The Accomplished Senator, 1568).
Summer school classes are often taught by some notable Christian thinkers, including N.T. Wright, Andrew Walls, Luci Shaw, and Jeremy Begbie.
Its curriculum encompasses extensive reading of notable thinkers.
The first Marxist school of sociology was known as the Austro-Marxism and notable Marxist thinkers of that period included Carl Grünberg and Antonio Labriola.
It has featured contributions by notable thinkers such as Jim Wallis, James Schall, Stanley Hauerwas and Peter Van Inwagen.
The city had hosted the Council of Basel from 1431 to 1447, and, in 1460, a university was founded, which eventually would attract many notable thinkers, such as Erasmus or Paracelsus.
Charles Hall - a notable economic thinker, and early socialist.
Kalonyme was friends with many notable thinkers of the day: Eugene O'Neill, George Bernard Shaw, and Georgia O'Keeffe among them.
His son, Ivan Palvovich Jacobiy was a notable political thinker of White Emigre, the author of the book Nicholas II and the Revolution (Tallinn, 1937).
In addition, leading experts in a particular field develop and publish their own individual forecasts, and notable thinkers called futurists formulate independent visions of the future.