A notable trait of the school, is their ability to teach their students discipline and conduct, without applying any force.
Their most notable trait is that they appear almost see-through and have much stronger abilities.
Two years ago, understanding wasn't his most notable trait.
Suzuoki's most notable trait is his soft, dignified voice.
Another notable trait is his lack of orientation, as Zoro often gets lost, even in small, familiar spaces or when being led by someone.
To this very day, Newt's most notable trait seems to be the astonishing host of friends he's made through the years - and then outgrown.
During his time as a conman, Lipwig took advantage of the fact that he has no notable physical traits and is easily forgettable.
One of his most notable traits is that he couldn't read or speak French.
One of Stacey's most notable traits is that she has diabetes, and has been hospitalized several times as a result.
The Old Oak's most notable trait is the low humming sound emitted when the player travels close enough to it.