The climate for learning within the school has notably improved in recent years.
More importantly, the Bulls also improved notably as a team, finishing with a 55-27 record.
The project engineering department's own efficiency has been closely examined and, consequently, notably improved over the past year.
This has been described as "phenomenally successful", with children's behaviour notably improving.
The performance facilities have also been notably improved, Mr. Smith pointed out.
A study showed that when the number of pop-up ads was cut in half for a group of members, their satisfaction improved notably.
The proteoglycan content of the cartilage was notably improved.
According to the Minister, the overall situation would improve notably by the end of 2008 due to several new boreholes and a more stable power supply.
With a choice of three suspension packages available, up to the performance oriented FE3 setting, handling was notably improved.
The testing and development notably improved the safety and reliability of sodium pump seals.