"But if a clinic has a notarized letter from a consumer, we feel there is an obligation to deal with it."
But he did say it would be useful to have a notarized letter from your niece's parents authorizing you to take charge of their daughter.
He is also a notary public; This creates difficulties when Angela desires to send him a notarized letter regarding their break-up.
One day, they tell me to get a notarized letter, and when I do that, they say a notarized letter is no use.
Personal identification is required for verification and a notarized letter before record will be sent.
Unaccompanied children also will need a notarized letter of consent from both parents or legal guardians.
The accompanying adult must carry a notarized letter giving permission of the absent parent, or parents, for the trip to Mexico by the child.
With a notarized letter of their agreement in hand, Ms. Campbell was granted temporary custody.
Her father composed the notarized letter, she said.
If accompanied by neither parent, the minor must have a notarized letter from both parents authorizing departure, or a Brazilian court order authorizing the same.