But as Dr Bucke noted in his study, one of the effects of illumination is the complete elimination of the death fear.
As one white respondent noted in my study of mothers in low-income households, 'The bills come first, they've got to, then the meters (for fuel) and then food.'
Kingsley Amis noted in his study, The James Bond Dossier, that on M's salary his membership of the club would have been puzzling.
The Congressional investigators noted in their 1999 study that developing nerve agents requires multiple precursor chemicals and several manufacturing steps, some of them difficult and hazardous.
This reduction in deaths from pneumonia was also noted in Ellison's 1932 study.
However, Schweitzer has strongly criticized Kaye's claims and argues that there's no reported evidence that biofilms can produce branching, hollow tubes like those noted in her study.
Mr. Ayres noted in his study that discrimination appeared to be a factor even in the dealer's initial offer, before any negotiations had begun.
Charles Booth had already noted the extreme poverty in the area in his study of London poverty.
Donna Eder noted in her study that a "male coach was observed mocking cheerleaders on one occasion.
As two political scientists noted in their study of the discipline in 1985, "Merriam's hand can be seen in virtually every facet of modern political science."