Marsh's notes of the meeting survive and record the pitch Nation made as follows: "cracking Boy's Own/ kidult sci-fi.
The note in A recorded only that Kalimehtar 'built the White Tower of Minas Anor and removed his court thither'.
Your notes should record these differences.
Her notes recorded the daily lives of the people who contributed to building Glendora.
Riker knew that the vocoder nestled in the palm of Data's hand recorded her every note.
The notes should record the stage reached with regard to each element of construction and any defects or omissions set down.
An aide's notes record him being briefed on arms shipments to Iran as they were in progress.
Early notes recorded its tendency to scare off prey as hunters were about to shoot.
On the last trip, he also introduced Marattia burkei, although his notes did not record the locality.
The notes of the meeting do not record any response by Bishop Berning.