I fixed my eyes on the press with astonishment, then I saw a little note slipped under the door.
The Epsteins replied in an apologetic note slipped under her door, saying they would take steps to prevent further disturbance.
The message had come that morning - a simple, folded note slipped under his door.
In that unlikely circumstance, he would allow a note slipped under the door.
But several months later, a note slipped under the door gave Mr. Aziz 48 hours to close.
I read all the reports and note slips 14 dozen times.
We found a note slipped under the door this morning.
A two-year note, on the other hand, slipped 2/32, to 99 22/32.
A note of panic had slipped into Gabriel's voice.
He patted her cheek, and a note of worry slipped into his voice.