Raised as a breaststroker, after 2000 he dedicated totally to freestyle swimming, soon to achieving noteworthy results.
How much more satisfying to boldly experience the thrill of knowing that, at the slightest misstep, the bag might burst, with noteworthy results.
Some of the best data, and the most noteworthy results, come from Vietnam, which tracked about 3,000 households from 1993 to 1998.
His first noteworthy result was in the 1946 Canadian Championship in Toronto.
Given its rich nutrient properties, tomatoes, cucumbers and melons are grown with noteworthy results.
A noteworthy result of the battle was the combat and large unit command experience Grant gained.
The reaction of things on the man is the only noteworthy result.
Lampre-ISD did obtain two noteworthy results in the race, though.
Ms. Walker has continued, with less noteworthy results, to spin variations on this theme.
Indeed, the experimental program has produced noteworthy results in the 14 counties participating in it.