The final incident came to light when the sophomore's parents noticed bruises on his body and, after questioning him, notified school officials.
Her swollen face looked better, but in the bright of day I noticed purple bruises on her arms and legs as well.
He frowned as he noticed faint bruises along her throat.
Did she notice the frequent black eyes and bruises on a particular child and realize they were being abused at home?
He was sweating hard, and she noticed bruises forming on his neck and right wrist.
He didn't notice the cuts and bruises so much, but the wrist was bad.
Friends noticed bruises on her arms and neck.
They noticed old bruises, welts and recent burns on one of the children.
The girl's teacher phoned the police after noticing large bruises on her legs and back.
"I noticed bruises all over her legs," she said.