The notice should also contain details of how individuals can find out more information about the processing in question.
The notices also contained plans for the conversion.
The notice would contain specific medical information and advice, such as the advisability of seeing a doctor for a chest X-ray.
(7)The notice must contain such information as may be prescribed.
Many said that the notices did not contain enough medically useful information and even that data were sent to too few doctors.
Here is, in a few words, what the notices relative to the observation of the barometer contain: 1.
This new notice contains the information which was previously in Notices 705 and 705A.
The notices contain forms on which farmers can apply for refinancing, lower interest rates or other relief.
As this notice contains various technical terms, you may find the glossary helpful - see section 30.
Such a notice may also contain a proposal by the tenant as to the amount of the rent.