Those who went directly to their offices found photocopied notices taped to locked doors, as at the Office of Policy and Management on Washington Avenue, two blocks from the Capitol: "This notice will confirm that you have been told not to come to work today.
Burton stuck his hands in his pockets and idly studied the notices taped to the wall.
A small notice taped to the counter in Mr. Dole's headquarters - it is a former pool hall - asks if it makes sense for a "veteran to vote for a draft dodger; a woman to vote for a womanizer; or an honest person to vote for a chronic liar."
They walked past handwritten notices taped to the door of the sanctuary of funerals scheduled this week for four of the victims.
A handwritten notice taped on Lucia Velli's front door in the heart of Heliópolis, one of São Paulo's oldest and most labyrinthine shantytowns, announces that Mrs. Velli, a seamstress, is looking for help.
A notice taped on the huge windows a few feet away warned that the 1,000-foot building tower was used for bungee jumping.
Confused by a locked door, the young woman looked at a small notice taped to the wall.
Instead, I learned of Calvino's death by reading a notice taped to Cody's doors, explaining the cancellation of the event, together with a clipping of the obituary I'd happened not to see.
That afternoon, parents and baby sitters arrived at the school, on the sixth and seventh floors of the renowned progressive church, and found notices taped to the children's cubbyholes saying that Ms. Herman had taken a two-week leave of absence for unspecified reasons.
Though some lines were long on a recent day, the only evidence of the closed terminal building were small notices taped to the arrival and departure monitors.