Both hands were examined and seemed equal for the potential for arthritis; cracking caused no noticeable damage.
The only noticeable damage was a slight distortion in the ceiling.
We can live underwater, where effectively one has no weight, and sometimes folk have returned after years without noticeable damage to their health.
However, in the immediate aftermath of the quake there was no noticeable damage to the Lyrecrest property.
There is no noticeable damage at the present time.
A few days without gravity were enough to do noticeable damage.
Having reached the ripe old age of 46 without any noticeable damage, Foreman has found himself a new cause.
The bridge sustained no noticeable damage, but the "Pevensey" suffered some damage to her upper works.
Most critics felt the screen version slipped by with no noticeable damage to anyone.
She was never going to be fashion-model thin, but all those muffins and slices of peach pie hadn't done any noticeable damage to her curves.