Early signs suggest that the switch from 2.0-litres to 1.6-litres won't impact power output to any noticeable degree.
But the fumes are probably present to a noticeable degree.
Men who went bald began wearing wigs as soon as their hair started falling out to any noticeable degree.
Eventually, however, the food supply in the stomach of the Black Mass dwindles to a noticeable degree.
Putting all other negatives aside, the rail plan was not going to improve airport access to any noticeable degree.
The second positive answer is that the priorities of the Member States have changed to a noticeable degree.
There is a noticeable degree of imbalance in relation to the development of the internal market.
None of us has, to any noticeable degree.
The hilt of a sword had hardened the palm of my right hand to a noticeable degree.