All this means that companies with great brand names will be available relatively cheaply, but that noticeable early gains are not likely.
British artillery broke up attacks and machine guns prevented the German infantry from making noticeable gains.
After their marriage, she went into a slight state of depression, which caused her a noticeable gain in weight.
But it backed off as August progressed and closed with a barely noticeable gain of 0.5 percent.
The monarchy made noticeable gains under François I (1515-47).
There is also a noticeable gain in color purity.
Each of these states posted noticeable gains over the previous year...
There have been no noticeable gains for least-developed nations.
There were noticeable gains 15 years after the stroke, but I still had only partial use of my right hand.
The offensive produced noticeable gains on the first day, but rapidly turned into a stalemate.