Although his relations with Kosich have cooled noticeably and some question his continuing interest in retailing, he remains a director of the HBC and attends its Executive Committee meetings.
In the last few years, Russia, with separatist movements of its own, has noticeably cooled its support for pro-Russian parties or breakaway factions in some former Soviet republics.
When Kirk finally responded, his tone had noticeably cooled.
Even the Soviets, who apparently helped elicit the latest Iraqi offer through the visit to Baghdad last week by their envoy Yevgeny M. Primakov, were initially enthusiastic, but after a closer reading, noticeably cooled toward the initiative.
Before describing it I should say that in recent months the ardour between Olivia and myself has noticeably cooled.
But now the area's temperature has cooled noticeably, as projected restoration projects stall.
A few years ago, the museum's energies noticeably cooled and a sense of drift set in, evident in, among other things, an over-reliance on visiting collection shows.
Lessa's white-hot outrage noticeably cooled.