His face was carefully neutral but noticeably pale.
The latter in their second year wear a plumage similar to adult females but with longer crests and noticeably pale feather edges.
Several crossed themselves hurriedly, Conlan and Corrigan turned noticeably pale, and even Loris was speechless with anger.
Rif kept watching, gone noticeably pale.
Shores was noticeably pale as he rode upstairs in the automatic elevator.
They have noticeably pale, yellow-toned skin, yet have some of the oldest indigenous African DNA on the continent.
(It's Spanish shorthand for "cheeks"; Mr. Garza's are noticeably pale and round.)
She fought valiantly, but she had grown noticeably pale and haggard; she would not be able to stay on her feet much longer.
His face was noticeably pale when he turned to Mercant and Marshall.
He had also grown noticeably pale.