The increased power means that more details can be seen, but the field of view is noticeably reduced.
This situation has reduced noticeably the possibility of tourism and business development between the two countries.
The Vulcan's arms were almost completely at his side now, their trembling noticeably reduced as the angle had changed.
The doors contain a framed window, though the total cabin transparency is noticeably reduced.
All models of the 1100 are gas operated with a mechanism that noticeably reduces recoil.
I think first time buyers are biding their time and waiting for prices to noticeably reduce.
Treating them would ameliorate some of poverty's symptoms and probably have a modest effect on school performance, but it wouldn't noticeably reduce poverty.
Most significantly, the variation between supposedly identical cymbals is noticeably reduced, assuming adequate quality control.
In interviews, residents of Hartford said they expected the city's population to continue to decline until the struggling school system improved and crime was noticeably reduced.
Even cities that have embraced rail transit have not noticeably reduced traffic congestion.