The law allow civil service of federation, and of provinces, to be regulated as per rules notified under these enactments.
They have applied to be notified under the community notification act known as "Megan's Law."
The known partners of 111 people found to be infected during autopsies last year will be the first people notified under the program.
The site was formerly notified under the name "Okus Quarries".
Regarding the rates of depreciation to be notified under the Companies Act.
She said that about half of them were being notified under a program to locate recipients of suspect blood.
The law allow civil service of the provinces, to be regulated as per rules notified under this Act.
The site was notified in 1985 under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
If these decisions were to involve further aid, they would obviously have to be notified under Article 88(3) of the Treaty.
Mrs Schleicher also asked which products had been notified and approved under the novel foods regulation.