School officials notified diocesan officials, who informed the prosecutor's office.
Someone was calling to notify officials that California had just gone to a Stage 1 energy alert.
A 1969 Federal law holds that the military must notify local civilian officials when tests might expose people to biological or chemical agents.
New Jersey notified officials from the other states, some of whom, not surprisingly, expressed skepticism.
As a result, slave rescue operations were carried out by provincial government authorities without notifying local officials.
Our traditional response will continue to serve us well - we notify law-enforcement officials, when appropriate, and print nothing.
The university, which notified officials when it discovered the apparent improprieties, could face trouble on two fronts.
But the contractor must notify officials any time the walls are thinner than 10 inches, he said.
The pilot landed the plane safely and immediately notified federal officials, who connected the incident to others across the country.
Some are required to notify certain officials of their plans; others are not.