The notion that there are two sides to the brain - the logical and the creative - certainly sounds familiar.
After the last few months, these notions sounded like pipe dreams.
Granted, this notion sounds like the free-form radio of the 1960's, which is still practiced now and then.
"I can't discuss it on the street" the man said, and right away the very notion sounded ridiculous.
The notion sounds like a triumph of hope over experience.
The notion sounded very good at first, pirates being greatly talked of about town.
"The entire notion sounds incredibly arrogant when I hear it out loud."
In the realm of traditional literature, the notion that there is even a need for such communication sounds strange.
And at least for a moment, the notion of educating 6-year-olds and 10-year-olds in this city won't sound so hard.
Today, such a notion of good government sounds haughty and simplistic.