The war included a particularly notorious episode in November 1864 known as the Sand Creek Massacre.
If he was going to delve into his neighborhood's past, he reasoned, he'd certainly have to consider its most notorious episode.
This has been described as 'the most notorious sectarian episode in the history of Bathurst'.
Another notorious episode, she said, involved a man who would routinely visit the Hamptons to look at houses in the $2 million to $6 million range.
I'm thinking of the notorious forced-feeding episode in "Titicut Follies."
In the most notorious episode, 60 years ago this month, residents of Kielce, among them policemen, soldiers and boy scouts, murdered 80 Jews.
Bernstein's career was moving toward its most notorious episode.
But just a year later, Mr Singh's government presided over one of the most notorious episodes in the history of population control.
And history itself seemed to have tilted forward, sending a notorious episode of racial violence from 1986 sliding forward in time, to the present.
The notorious episode is invariably invoked by Government officials in discussing the situation today.