The man had already told several different stories, and was a notorious liar into the bargain.
Hoover did not believe King's pledge of innocence and replied by saying that King was "the most notorious liar in the country".
Kim is known as a notorious liar, while Gunnar is the truth-seeker.
Geste had said so, but Geste was a notorious liar.
The eyes and the heart are notorious liars.
Sadly, the man was a notorious liar.
Hoover's hatred of King boiled over at one point when he called King "the most notorious liar" in the country.
Purveyors of flesh are notorious liars, after all.
Robilio was a notorious liar who hated the Council and was on a crusade of revenge.
Rook's case was built on hearsay, speculation, and the corroboration of Picasso, a notorious liar.