These instances mark the few occasions when any character successfully stand up to the notoriously aggressive Lucy.
These extra little eyes help remind the city's notoriously aggressive drivers that a red traffic light is not advisory.
New Jersey drivers are notoriously aggressive, and many bring their bumper-car style into Midtown.
Bulls are also small, ranging from 540 to 820 kg (1200 to 1800 pounds), and are notoriously aggressive.
There are snakes in there, too, brown tree snakes that are notoriously aggressive.
Two notoriously aggressive groups of drivers, illegal drivers and teen-agers, have come in for special attention.
His interactions with lawyers are notoriously aggressive.
The two competitive matches which would take place before the latter were notoriously aggressive, and created a lot of pressure on both sides.
They're all filthy rich and notoriously aggressive.
They are notoriously aggressive hunters able to subdue formidable prey such as bees and other ants.