Neither of these women ever called themselves to an account, and, notwithstanding all my efforts, everything I acquired was dissipated as fast as it came.
Notwithstanding Pelletier's efforts, no significant changes have been introduced to Quebec's electoral system as of 2012.
Notwithstanding his efforts, the imps continued to tempt and torment him.
He made his call for change a week after President Bush won re-election, notwithstanding labor's all-out efforts to defeat him.
Notwithstanding my best efforts to communicate the facts accurately and forthrightly, media interest shows no sign of abatement.
Notwithstanding my efforts of concealment, however, the creature saw me, and came lumbering forward.
"I think we'd be fooling ourselves to think any substantial portion of those assets are going to be recovered, notwithstanding our best efforts," he said.
Notwithstanding all his efforts, the envelope would not remain upright upon the end of the stick.
Notwithstanding Tim Brown's efforts, from about the 1980s until fairly recently, Woodrow's football program struggled.