Lenny Bruce mentions Vat 69 in a fictive monologue in Don DeLillo's 1998 novel Underworld.
Much of the novel Underworld takes place near Arthur Avenue.
Don DeLillo's novel Underworld, set in the Bronx in the 1950s, also contains references to the Spaldeen, although the ball is referred to in the lower-case.
There is a long discussion of the song in the 1997 novel Underworld by Don DeLillo.
That year, DeLillo was also the subject of a Profile by David Remnick, which coincided with the release of the novel "Underworld."
Remember Don DeLillo's novel Underworld which was the candidate for "great American novel" 10 years ago?
Alexander Corvinus (Hungarian: Corvin Sándor) is a fictional character from the film and novel Underworld: Evolution.
It is just now becoming part of real history and real literature, in the wonderful opening section of the novel "Underworld" by Don DeLillo.
In the Don DeLillo novel Underworld, there is a screening of a bootleg copy of Zapruder film, at which the film is played over and over on multiple televisions at varying speeds.
Selene appears in the non-canon novel Underworld: Blood Enemy, written by Greg Cox.