The high aesthetic merit of the young artist's pictures, their singular and novel character, could not, of course, remain unnoticed.
He appears as a fictional character in Steve Erickson's 1996 novel, Amnesiascope.
Later, protracted legal battles over affirmative action helped popularize a once novel character: the white civil-rights plaintiff.
People learned to associate a sound as the name of each category, and more importantly, they were able to classify novel characters accurately.
Austen is often considered one of the originators of the modern, interiorized novel character.
In this novel characters are segregated by categories and dressed according to their social functions.
The novel features a completely original story, disparate from the series, with original novel characters.
Tōma Kamijō was voted the No. 1 ranked male light novel character in the 2011 issue.
He had no time for Virginia Woolf's assertion that in the modern novel character is dead.
True, the war against terrorism has a novel character - it is remote both geographically and technologically.