In some cases, subscribers have been credited with making useful and novel contributions to knowledge in the field of genetic genealogy.
Mr. Leach's novel contribution to the debate is his proposal to impose conditions on the I.M.F. designed to improve its mixed record.
Scott and Branch also contend that the supposedly novel contributions proposed by intelligent design proponents have not served as the basis for any productive scientific research.
The journal aims to be both scientifically rigorous and open to novel contributions.
Its starting point was the idea that modern information and communication technologies could make an important, novel contribution to road traffic safety and to the reduction in road fatalities.
And it is the complication of life by novel contributions to life's interests and duties that makes a ready command of circumstances difficult.
This opens up opportunities for novel contributions in the field of artificial tutors.
A paper published this week in Nature Geoscience makes a novel contribution to this question, even as it comes up with the same answer.
Givens also makes a case for what he calls "dialogic revelation" as a novel contribution of the Book of Mormon.
Among his novel contributions to function theory is the concept of an "interlocked system".