From there, the novel moves on to either more conventional or more vague concepts of spirituality.
The detonators, they said, were, in a novel move, taken from grenades.
That was a novel move back in 1968, he recalled yesterday.
The narration of the novel moves between the day they go over the Falls, and the events that lead up to that day.
As the novel moves to its climax, nearly every other scene involves a coincidence that affects Tess' life adversely.
Instead of moving chronologically, the novel moves in reverse toward the secret of the woman's identity.
Then Sanoma Tora is kidnapped, and the novel moves into high gear.
A final section of the novel moves to the present day where a modern man undergoes a visionary experience in Ireland.
From this point on, the novel moves with the inevitability of fate.
The action of the novel moves with a foreboding inevitability between the two men.