Many models have been proposed to describe the mechanisms by which novel metabolic pathways evolve.
SND1 promotes tumor angiogenesis in human hepatocellular carcinoma through a novel pathway which involves NF-kappaB and miR-221.
Further experiments will be required to confirm the role of these genes in life-span regulation, and to determine their interactions with each other and in known or novel life-span regulatory pathways.
There were no spectacular new body plans or life cycles here, no strategies for feeding or reproduction that hadn't been tried out back on Earth, but at a molecular level everything worked differently, and there was a vast labyrinth of utterly novel biochemical pathways to be mapped.
This implies that DCC regulates a novel pathway for caspase activation, and that it is one that is apoptosome-independent.
Almost any biological compound can be traced by micro-PET, as long as it can be conjugated to a radioisotope, which makes it suitable towards studying novel pathways.
And just when researchers thought they had a reasonable grasp of the basic anti-cancer compounds that might be found in a healthy diet, they discover a novel pathway through which ingredients in plants may help foil disease.
Instead of using the Calvin-Benson-Bassham Cycle typical of plants, Chloroflexus aurantiacus has been demonstrated to use a novel autotrophic pathway known as the 3-Hydroxypropionate pathway.
The results these experiments can uncover novel pathways and metabolic activities and decipher between discrepancies in previous experimental data.
Many novel metabolic pathways have been worked out in M. jannaschii, including the pathways for synthesis of many methanogenic cofactors, riboflavin, and novel amino acid synthesis pathways .