And here he would put forward some entirely novel scheme such as nobody had ever thought of before, grandiose perhaps, but based upon the soundest engineering principles.
Warren Teitelman presented a novel scheme for real time character recognition in his master's thesis submitted in 1963 at MIT.
The Eagle, like many papers, is willing to experiment with novel revenue-building schemes.
Enabled over 5000 students to avail an opportunity to secure good academic qualification through novel educational schemes.
'He also said the factory included many novel and revolutionary schemes not operational in any other part of the world, although he stressed that all equipment had been tried out elsewhere'.
Baron chose many novel schemes for the promotion of Carreras' pipe tobacco and cigarette brands.
There was no yelling in the locker room at halftime, no soapbox motivational speech and no novel scheme sketched on a blackboard.
This dwelling was already innovative for its application of a novel 'Art Nouveau' decorative scheme that didn't include references to other historical styles.
The Goelets evicted their tenants and reimproved the property with a novel scheme, using a lot running almost 150 feet deep.
An employee puts more time trying to get people to invest in a novel money-making scheme.