I looked in at this extremely novel sight of Teenie trying to read.
With 10 more years to go, a further torrent of novel sights surely awaits us.
Mine eyes, though bent on view of novel sights Their lov'd allurement, were not slow to turn.
One day about this time, my father startled me by calling my attention to a novel sight far in front of us, almost at the horizon.
Politicians heading for the Dutch Parliament the other day came across a novel sight: a large gathering of family doctors setting off on a protest march.
He photographed aircraft workers in California, capturing the then novel sight of female factory workers.
When the privileged guests arrived, they were treated to the novel sight of the Tarn cousins playing the part of friends.
It happens when we come across novel ideas or information as well as novel sights or sounds.
It was a novel sight to Rowe and yet an old sight.
Any further comment was cut off by a novel sight.