Smart 1 will test a novel type of propulsion system on its mission and map lunar surface features.
If applied to a human face it makes a novel type of drawing that is different from a drawing made by most artists.
These are a novel type of electromagnetic bearing that is based on a passive magnetic technology.
Several novel types of liquid crystals have been synthesized by Praefcke for the first time.
Howell said that it was 'a novel type of railway.
This may include design, synthesis, and evaluation of novel types of prodrugs.
These novel type of vehicles are only competitive in operations with short distances to the landing.
But others are concerned that the telecommunications industry may be rushing to use novel types of fibre before the technology is proven.
All Yuna video games are mainly of the visual novel type.
He surmised that the glittering, hollow tubes they carried were weapons of some novel type.